Bringing financial literacy to life with immersive gaming

Immersive experiences, like VR/AR, interactive installations, and gamification, offer a unique level of engagement that traditional media just can’t match. With these experiences, you’re not just watching or listening—you’re participating and making choices that impact the outcome, making you feel part of the action.

To make financial literacy more engaging for high school students in Singapore, we developed an immersive game designed to show the value of learning money skills early on.


Create a fun and engaging way to teach financial literacy to high school students.
Educate students on why monetary skills are important from a young age.
Boost students’ understanding and retention of financial concepts.


We built a game using Unity3D that guides players through various life stages, from childhood to retirement.
At each stage, players face financial challenges and decisions that influence their financial success.
The game features interactive elements like mini-games and puzzles to make learning more enjoyable.
We tested the game with Singaporean high school students, gathering feedback to refine it and ensure it effectively taught financial concepts.


Students enjoyed the interactive gameplay and found it engaging.
There was a noticeable increase in their understanding and retention of financial literacy, as shown by pre- and post-game assessments.
Students felt more motivated to learn about financial literacy and expressed interest in continuing to play the game to further develop their skills.
The project also generated positive brand awareness for our client, a major pension fund in Singapore.


This immersive game successfully made financial literacy fun and engaging for high school students. The interactive approach kept students motivated and improved their understanding of financial concepts. This method could be a great way to teach various subjects and skills, making learning more interactive and effective. Players connected with the brand in a natural way, without feeling like they were being bombarded with ads.